Entropy is a killer…

Entropy can be loosely described as the measure of “disorder” in a system. It is also a measurement of how much energy has been “lost” to the universe. Now physical laws state that energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed in form. When the concept of entropy states that energy is “lost” forever, the energy has simply become so disordered, that the energy can no longer be harnessed. It is “lost” to the system.

Spontaneous changes result in an increase in entropy.

Entropy is an increase in disorder.

Entropy also makes it clear that things can not create themselves. Spontaneous changes can not result in a system that is more ordered.

Unguided events increase entropy.

To create order, energy has to be expended, and something has to guide the process.

Many times the process of creating order is guided by physical laws…such as gravity…things fall, or other physical rules like…when you compress something, its releases energy in the form of heat. There are millions of examples.

The concept of entropy is particularly notable as it is applied across physics, information theory and mathematics.

The concept of entropy can also be applied to our minds and lives.

Without expending energy, and something guiding you…you can not make your life ordered.

You can not release bitterness and begin healing until you accept that you have to work at it.

You can only become smarter by exercising your mind… by expending energy teaching yourself new things.

You can only love people more by expending energy. You can love people more by doing things that are hard. You can love people more by being forgiving, by not being easily offended, by being patient and gentle and kind.

You can only have a better relationship with someone by working at it. You can not simply expect them to do the work for you.

You can only have a better relationship with God…by working at it.

Please forgive me Lord…I repent of what I have done.