I stumble around Youtube from time to time, and occasionally something really captures my attention. I was wandering about Youtube yesterday in fact, and found a compilation video of a theoretical physicist named Michio Kaku. To summarize and simplify the first few minutes of the video, Michio shares that everything in the universe is like Schrodinger’s famous cat problem. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Schrodinger posits that if a cat is placed in a box and unobservable, it must be both dead and alive simultaneously. It is only when the box is opened and the cat is observed that it becomes either dead or alive.
Schrodinger’s cat is known for seeming to be illogical but theoretical physics has found that it is a viable interpretation of how our world is working at the atomic level. MIchio takes this concept a step further and talks about how nothing in the universe can even exist if it hasn’t been observed. He states that the observation of something is essential to it’s creation.
Creation. Perhaps the biggest argument of science and faith. How were we created?
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
God saw the light that he created. God observed the difference between light and darkness and then continued creating, seeing that each new thing was good. God “sees” 7 different times in the first chapter of Genesis. In the beginning, God created, God saw. He observed that which he had made, and called it good.
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
God saw me when I was unformed, when he brought me forth into this world. He saw me then, and he sees me now. I am seen, and I am known.
Perhaps one day we will see that science itself points to our creator, and perhaps in that day we will no longer only know in part, but instead see the entirety of the truth that God has created for us.